how do you study well

Sagot :

1.  Good learning begins in the classroom

If you pay attention in class and write down good points, you begin the learning and learning process.

Are you having a hard time paying attention to the class? Are you sitting next to a noisy person? Is it hard to see the painting? Make sure you have a good chair to look out for carefully. Let your teacher or parent know about any issues that are preventing you from paying attention and taking good notes.

2. Good feedback = easier reading

Not sure how to take notes? Start by writing down facts that your teacher points out or that they write on the blackboard in class. Do your best to use good handwriting so that you can read your notes later. It is also a good idea to organize your notes, tests, and articles by subject.

3. Plan ahead and you will be happy to do it

Waiting until Thursday evening to study for the Friday exam doesn't make homework evening so fun! It doesn't let you do your best either. Everyone is accused of hesitating from time to time. One of the best ways to make sure this doesn't happen is to plan ahead.

Order a good calendar (something you like and can keep in your office or study) and write down your test date and homework. You can then plan how much you do after school each day and how much time you spend on each lesson. Do after-school courses or activities make it difficult to find time to study? Ask your mom or dad how to set a schedule for each time.

4. Cancel it!

When there is a lot to learn, it can be helpful to analyze things. Let's say you have a 20-word spelling. Instead of trying to figure out all the words at once, try breaking them down into five words and working on a different piece or two each night.

Don't worry if you don't remember something the first time you try. Training begins here. The more days you spend checking something, the more likely it is that you will remember it. There are also tricks called mnemonic (for example new-MON-ik) that can help you remember things. When you want to memorize a list of things, form a sentence using the first letter of each one. For example, are you trying to figure out the eight planets and their order from the sun? Think about it: my great grandmother served nachos only to remember Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Your teacher can also give you ideas.

Another way to break it is to study regularly instead of the night before. You can always view your notes and read the chapters you are working on. Or if you're studying math or science, practice some questions. How Much Should You Learn Each Night? Your teacher can help you understand. Most brains can only be alert for 45 minutes. So, if you've been working for a long time and are having a hard time paying attention, take a break or take a walk at home. All you have to do is resist the temptation to turn on the TV or stop!

5. Eliminate confusion - ask for help

If you do not understand the material, you will not be able to study effectively. If you get stuck, ask your teacher for help. You can check yourself out by reading your notes. Does it all make sense? Otherwise, ask your teacher to do this for you. When you are at home, when you are confused, your mom or dad can help you.

6. Sleep comfortably!

So tomorrow is the exam and you've adhered to your study plan - but suddenly you can't remember anything, not even 2+2! No panic. It takes time for your brain to take in all of the information you have given it. Try to get a good night's sleep and you will be amazed at what comes to mind in the morning.

Hope this helps.

I study well not just because I want to finish school but I GET MOTIVATED BY THE DEADLINES THAT is the PERFECT time to study where your deadline is already waving at you ;)