What performance appraisal?
Jamil Reza, a newly appointed graduate, is a staff development officer in the Melbourne head office of Yarra Bank. One of a team of six, lames and the other staff development officers are responsible for preparing and conducting middle-level management development and training programs.
Henry Austin is the manager. Aged 54 years and with 39 years’ service, Henry is somewhat of a legend in the bank. Bluff, autocratic, and demanding, Henry is uncomfortable with younger, better-educated employees add their perceived lack of respect. As a result, he is quick to squelch any criticism or questioning of his decisions.
Just before lunch one day, James was shocked when Henry entered the staff development office and flicked an appraisal form onto each officer's desk. Read these and have the signed copies on my desk by two o’clock. Any questions? Good. And don't forget- signed and delivered by two o’clock.’
After Henry left, James turned to his colleagues and asked, 'He isn't serious, is he? This isn't a performance appraisal; it's a joke!
Ken Yeo, a bank veteran of Jo years, smiled. He wasn't joking, mate. You've just had your appraisal and you had better like it because that's all you're going to get!"
(a) If you were James, what would you do?
(b) What impact would Henry's approach have on his staff's development, job satisfaction, and motivation, and performance improvement?