Directions, Activity 3. Read the following dialogue of students, Jessica and Joey
through a video call during the Enhanced Community Quarantine (EG) Aer rending
#, choose among the emolls below which you think would best describe the feeling for
every line, Just write the corresponding description of your chosen emell on the space
(9) bored
O relieved
(1) weary/giving up
Jessica: Have you seen my book? I can't remember where I puli
Joey: Which one?
Jessica: The murder mystery the one you borrowed,
Joey: Are you referring to this?
Jessica: No. It's the one you borrowed,
Jooy: I did not
Jessica: Maybe it's inside your bag, Can you look for it?
Joey: OK just give me a minute,
Jessica: How long are you going to be?
Joey: Gooz, why so impatient? I hate when you get bossy,
Jousica: Forgot it, I'll find it myself.
Joey: Walt. I found it!