1. Essay. Which among the theories on “Self’ as a Cognitive Construction explains best your personality dynamics?

Sagot :


As a Cognitive Construction, Self exists as an "intelligent thinking creature." Development of personality, a human social persona, comes to develop first psychologically by human ego psyche. Personality exists more as a social quality than an intelligent quality until you develop intelligent persona. The uncertain phenomena of earthly reality becomes "how" do you achieve a balance amongst your social personality, your intellectual Self, within successsful interaction with uncertain phenomenal earthly reality.

Is it psychologically, or, intellectually sufficient for Self to perceive Self as merely a social personality Self? Will Self be satisfied with existing merely as a psychological ego psyche social Self? Which is more difficult___playing the earthly reality "social competitive game," or, accepting Self as an intelligent creature? Ask your Self: Who are you? Why are you? Where are you? Toward what reason and toward what purpose are you? Attempt to answer those questions of Self. Socrates wisely suggested: "Know Thyself!"

Know Thyself as a social personality quality Self. Know Thyself as an intellectual quality Self. Be true to Self. Intellectually you will always be true to Self. Social personality must "fake" a lot!


Self as cognitive construction.

In principle I don't agree. From the western pt. of view self comprises of reason, spirit and appetite. From their view they give more importance to intellect or reason. But at the same time they say sprit is eternal,different from our body and on death it goes to different realm. But cognitive science doesn't agree with this concept. From the eastern pt. of view Self is sprit and it is Self which gives life to us but it doesn't initiate or take part in our actions of senses. Accordingly we are Self and we act through mind and body. Both agree there is God but interpretation is different.

According to cognitive science it is our brain which control our desires, feelings, emotions etc. It is our knowledge, wisdom, character,desires, emotions and feelings determine our personality. But all these traits are are processed by our brain from genetic,environment ,religion,culture and our upbringing. Each of our sensations produces electrical impulses in our nerves leading to the brain .But the question is how electro chemical impulse creates smell,taste, Colour emotions,feelings etc. Still every aspect of our personality is stored in our brain. It means it is our brain determine our personality. If our brain is damaged there will be personality disorder. We don't have any control over the actions of our brain. We have no freewill. Consciousness is created in our brain. On death we disintegrate into dust. What we left behind is our footprint. But this is applicable only for famous people not for ordinary people.
