Let's Practical (Write your answers on the separate sheets provides WORD SEARCH DIRECTIONS: Search and Circle 10 hidden words written from left tonght, nonzontality and vertically Vers planation about the word you search E A DIE OX DI WE 5 CARBOND T OO O X BL E OD R H. XYGENATED B z CAPOL L! ARIE S S DF G O С WLEFT VE NT RI CLER YA AP S NF ART E R 1 E S UN GIS R 3 VAAINVOL UNTARYER RT TI B CIRCULAT ORY SYST E MK ND RESPIRAT OR YS YS T E M AWTTUPA OR TAAS EGRE T s E RTU OXYGE NSV VB HIP OF DAS DE RE S P R E S P 1 R R E AY​