1. It is a two-way process of connecting both living and non-living things. a. Interaction b. Collaboration c. Communication d. Connection
2. Communication took place when the message is a. Properly sent b. Delivered c. Not blocked d. Understood
3. What is the focus of this module in quarter 1? a. Functions of communication b. Nature and Process of communication C. Communication Models d. Functions, Nature and Process of Communication 4. It is a type of communication that does not use words in expressing a message. a. Verbal b. Non-verbal c. Oral d. Signal
5. It refers to the one who decodes the message sent and respond accordingly based on his/her interpretation of the message. a. Receiver b. Speaker c. Encoder d. Decoder
6. Barriers to communication sometimes block the transmission of message thereby creating a. Misconception b. Misunderstanding c. Mistake d. Misinformation
7. It refers to the sender of the message. a. Originator b. Sender c. Receiver d. Listener
8. It refers to the content of communication, a. Message b. Information c. Media d. News
9. The response in communication comes in the form of a. Feedback b. Message c. Reaction d. Reply
10. Communication is social interaction through a. Feedback b. Message c. Reaction d. Reply
11. This is the best way to continue communication. a. Eye contact b. Active Listening C. Asking questions d. Nodding 12. This is to be avoided for effective communication. a. Sharing of activity b. Politeness c. Listening d. Ambiguity
13. The following are forms of non-verbal communication except one. a. Telephone call b. Road signs c. Thumbs up sign d. Eye-blink
14. It refers to the one who encodes or transmit message through a particular channel. a. Source b. Sender c. Listener d. Audience
15. It refers to the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information through speech, signal or writing. a. Message b. Language c. Communication d. Channel​