Among the health related component, which of the following is your weakness and strength? how do you improve your weakness to achieve health related fitness?(150 words)​

Sagot :


1. Identify your strengths.

Before you consider your weaknesses, take a little time to consider your strengths. Not only is it a positive tone to start out on, but by identifying your strong points, you may actually be able to take advantage of them to help strengthen your weaknesses.

For example, say one of your strengths is that you’re good at working with others. In this case, once you identify an area in which you’d like to improve, you may find that having an accountability partner or partners is key in finding success. It will take advantage of one of your strengths because you’ll be able to work with others, and it will also help you stay accountable.

2. Identify where you could use some improvement.

OK, now it’s time to get real. What are some of your weaknesses, or things that you’d like to improve about yourself? And how might they be adversely affecting your career?

For instance, maybe you’re constantly running late and subsequently feeling stressed-out as a result. Or maybe you’re not a great writer and you emails and presentations never seem as professional as you’d like. Be honest with yourself, but don’t be hard on yourself. Remember, you’re identifying these things as a means to figure out how to benefit your career, not to punish yourself.

3. Consider the benefits of changing.

Visualizing success can be a powerful and motivating exercise, so take a little time to do it now. How could your life and your career benefit from strengthening some of your weak areas? For instance, say you have an issue with communication, and you’re not great at replying to emails and phone calls. This can be a weakness, because it can make you seem flaky and unreliable.

One of the benefits of changing this tendency is that you’ll come off as more reliable and responsive, which can make you seem more trustworthy and dependable. This could offer a great benefit to your career, and make people more likely to want to work with you.


My weakness in health related components muscular strength. I will improve my weakness to practice harder and stronger.


Hope this helps you!