in Science tt 1 SCIENTIFIC METHOD Direction Fill in the blanks with the correct words/statements What is the scientific method? It is a braces that is used to find us to questions about the world Is there only one "scientific method"? No, there are several versions of the scientific method Some versions while others may have only a few. However they all begin with the to be answered based on observations of the world around method for conducting and analysing an experiment have more identification of a us and provide an or a What is a hypothesis? It is an of the topic based on observations and your knowledge What do you want to know or explain? Use observations you have made to write a question that addresses the problem or topic you want to investigate. HYPOT HESIS What do you think will happen? Predict the answer to your question or the outcome of the experiment To assess the plausibility of a hypothesis by using . How will you test your hypothesis? Develop a procedure for a reliable experiment and address safety rules. Follow the steps in your procedure to perform your experiment. Record data and observations! Is the data reliable? Does your data and observations from the experiment support your hypothesis? Write a conclusion that summarizes the important parts of your experiment and the results.​

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there's are the six steps of the scientific method:

The six steps of the scientific method include: 1) asking a question about something you observe, 2) doing background research to learn what is already known about the topic, 3) constructing a hypothesis, 4) experimenting to test the hypothesis, 5) analyzing the data from the experiment and drawing conclusions, and 6) communicating the results to others.

What is a scientific method example?

A simple example of the scientific method is:

Ask a Question: Why does Greenland look so large on a map?

Background Research: Learn that Greenland is a quarter the size of the United States in land mass. Also learn that Mercator projection maps are made by transferring the images from a sphere to a sheet of paper wrapped around the sphere in a cylinder.

Hypothesis: If I make a Mercator projection map, then the items in the middle of the map will look their true size and the items at the poles will look larger than they really are.

Experiment: Use a sphere with 1-inch by 1-inch squares at each pole and the equator to make a Mercator projection map. Measure the squares on the Mercator projection map.

Analyze Data and Make Conclusions: The middle-of-the-map squares average 1 inch per side while the squares at the poles average 3 inches per side. In conclusion, the projection process used to make Mercator projection maps creates distortion at the poles, but not at the equator. This is why Greenland, which is close to the North Pole, looks larger than it is.

Communicate: Make a video, write a report, or give a presentation to educate others about the experiment.