Directions: Choose the word or words which relate most nearly in the same way as the words given for each item. Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.

11. Letters: words :: sentences: ______________
a. Essay
b. word
c. paragraph
d. poem

12. Fish: scales :: bear:______________

b. ice
c. feet
d. fur

13. DPWH: engineers :: DOH:_____________

a. Doctors
b. soldiers
c. teachers
d. senators

14. kitchen: house :: keyboard: ____________
a. computer
b. bedroom
c. wires
d. classroom

15. sad: happy:: bored:_______________

a. gloomy
b. tired
c. exciting
d. angry

16. wing: bird :: fin:__________________

a. frog
c. duck
d. fish

17. defeat: vanquish :: search:__________

a. peer
b. ransack
c. destroy
d. find

18. fern: plant :: fish:________________

a. catch
b. minnow
c. animal
d. sparrow

19. hungry: gluttonous :: thrifty: ___________

a. vice
b. avarice
c. virtue
d. self-control

20. collar: shirt :: ______________ :hat

a. button
b. visor
c. pullover
d. hood ​