1. It measures body mass based on height and weight that aids in determining weight categories. A. BMI B. Bpm 3. Anthropometric measurements are used to measure the equipment used to measure the body mass index. A catheter, stadiometer B. tape measure, weighing scale C. RPE body mass index? C. 18.5 kg/m2 D. WHR D.16.5 kg/m2 body measurements. Choose among the set of C. weighing scale, catheter D. stadiometer, tape measure 4. It refers to the number of times a physical activity is done within a week. A. Frequency B. time C. intensity 5. Which among the statement below tells about the principle of progression A. washing dishes to eating B. stretching to jumping rope C. dancing to sleeping D. bending to stretching 6. A basic exercise that evaluates the strength of the arms and abdominal muscles as well as the flexibility of the​