In a group of 40 Grade 7 students, 22 had ridden in a family-owned vehicle. 23 had taken a public utility vehicle and 10 had walked to school; 8 had ridden a family- owned vehicle and public utility vehicle, 7 had taken a public utility vehicle and had walked to school and 4 had ridden a family-owned vehicle and had walked to school; and 2 had taken all 3 modes of transportation in going to school PUV Family Vehicle 12 6 10 2 2 5 2 1 Walking $1218. How many students commuted to school only? 19. How many students walked to school only? 20. How many students did not use any of the three modes of transportation? 21. How many students rode on a family vehicle only? 22. How many students did not ride on a family vehicle? 23. How many students did not walk to school? 24. How many students did not commute to school? 25. How many students used all three modes of transportation?