erots from poems. Underline the words or phrases
we of imagery. Then, write the imagery type besios
Imagery, as one
element of poetry
is the use of sensory
language that
stimulates the
reader's imagination.
It also refers to the
types of sensation
in imagery that
you experience
while reading the
poem-visual (sight),
olfactory (smell
Wersare like people,
seems to me,
Sometimes calm and peaceful
When running to the sea.
Sometimes angry, harsh, and grim
ke ocean's stormy tide,
Running wild and furious
O'er the countryside
When calm, they ever bring to life
Fields of waiving grain,
Ripening fruits and garden's store-
For the world gain.
tactile (touch).
gustatory (taste)
hermal (feeling), or
ditory (hearing).
"Rivers Are like People" by lean​