5. John wants to be able to view multiple areas of his spreadsheet at the same time. What would be his best option? a. Freeze b. Panies Split c. Hide d. Unhide 6. Which view is the default view used in Microsoft Excel? a. Page Layout b. Print c. Normal d. Web 7. Which is a special workbook a user can create and then use as a pattern to cre- ate new, similar workbooks or worksheets? a. Form b. Boilerplate c. Smart Sheet d. Template 8. Which command enables a user to save an existing worksheet with a ne name or save the worksheet in a new location? a. ciose b. Save d. Save As d. Exit 9. What command will arrange Microsoft Excel windows so that they appears by-side on the screen? a. Zoom to Selection b. New Window c. Arrange All d. Freeze Panes 10. Which command on the Fill options dialog box is the default option if ar or day is entered? a. Copy Ceils b. Fiii Formatting Oniy c. Fill without Formatting d. Fiil Series