7. Where does seafloor spreading occur?
A. Mid-Ocean ridges C. Divergent boundaries B. Oceanic rift zones D. Convergent boundaries

8. According to plate tectonics which of the following is true? A. Continents never move but the plates underneath them do. B. Earthquakes happens in the middle of the continents C. The continents used to all be connected. D. The youngest rock is found at the top of the mountain.

9. Which of the following discoveries would provide the best evidence that's Earth's continent had once been part of the large landmass and then was broken apart? A. Fossils of different species of organisms found B. Fossils of the same species of organism found C. Fossils of organisms that lived during the same time period D. Fossils of organisms that lived hundreds of millions of years apart found

10. If all the layers of the Earth are firm solid, what could have happened to Pangea? A. It remained as a supercontinent. B. It would have become as it is today, C. It would have slowly appeared in the ocean. D. It would have stretched and covered the whole word​