Read the passage below, take note of the underlined words, then do the activity. Use context clues to answer it.

Orpheus was poet and musician. When Orpheus sang, or played an instrument, birds fell silent from respect and envy. Flowers turned away form the sun and splayed their petals wide, instead, in Orpheus direction, to soak up the beauty of his music. From the loneliest stone on the ground to the highest mountain peak, every non-living grew ears sa as not to miss a note. Orpheus fell in love with the alluring eurydice whose beauty was unsurpassed by any other woman. When eurydice was bit by an snake and died, Orpheus was devastated. With a heavy heart he traveled to the underworld. There, he begged its king,hade to allow eurydice to return gone with him. Orpheus sand of his brief of hades, who wa so touched by his musco, that he succumbed to Orpheus wishes. Hades told Orpheus that eurydice left the underworld. Orpheus, appreciative and relieved, agreed at once. Together, the lovers fles with Orpheus leading the way. When they were almost back to the upper world, Orpheus, deprived by eurydices beauty since her death and overjoyed to be reunited with her, turned back to reach of her hand. In that instant, she dissapeard forever.

Word what does it mean what was your clue
1. Envy
2. Splayed
3. Lowliest
4. Alluring
5. Unsurpassed
6. Devastated
7. Succumbed
8. Condition
9. Appreciative
10. Deprived​