C. Reflect
Description: The Word of God teaches and helps us become loving and responsible children of God. Let the following biblical texts guide and inspire your thoughts, words and deeds. Write God’s message for you after reflecting on each of them
1.Proverbs 1:8 “Listen my child, to your father’s instruction, do not reject your mother’s teaching.”_
2.Proverbs 1:8 “Listen my child, to your father’s instruction, do not reject your mother’s teaching.”_
3.Luke 6:35 “Love your enemy and do good to them and lend expecting nothing in return
4. 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Everyone must give according to what he has, not sadly, for God loves a Cheerful giver”_
5.Psalm 119: 105 “Your Word. O Lord, is the light that guides my way”
6. Through the signs of creation around us, spend some time as a family especially this time of pandemic to be with God by enjoying “nature”. What qualities of God did you discover through this activity?
7. Through the voice of the Church, what are some rules of the church that the family know and practice?
8. Through the voice of your conscience, Do you hear God through your conscience? Write a personal experience.
Subject: CLVE