D. QUIZ Direction: Read the question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer only. Write your answer in a separate short bond paper. 1. What is the only function of all C++ programs must contain? A. start() B. system) C. main() D. program() 2. What punctuation is used to signal the beginning and end of code blocks? A.{} B. -> and C. BEGIN and END D. (and) 3. What punctuation ends most lines of C++ code? A. B.; C. 4. Which of the following header file includes definition of cin and cout? A. Istream B. iostream C. conio D. stdio 5. Function key when compiling program A. Ctrl F11 B. F9 C. CTR F9 D. F11 6. Function key when Running a program A. Ctrl F11 B. F10 C. CTR F9 D. F9 7. Error due to not following proper coding standard or typing error A. logical error B. syntax error C. runtime error 8. Free from error but not giving correct output C. runtime error A. logical error B. syntax error 9. Semicolon (;) is used to separate a statement in C++ A. True 10. Cout>> is used to display or write a label A. True B. False LOG Serpen B. False​