1:Dotted Whole Note
As mentioned above, we see that when we add a dot to the whole note, its value or duration is extended by half its original length. Thus, the whole note now lasts for 6 beats. Note that the location of the dot is always to the right of the note head.
2: Semibreve The semibreve has the longest note duration in modern music. the half note has half the duration of a whole note. The minim has the duration of a semibrieve two half notes occupy the same amount of time as one whole note.
3: A dotted half rest equals a half rest plus a quarter rest. A note, or rest can have more than one dot. If a note has two dots the first one adds half of the note value, and the second one adds half of the first dot. A half note that has two dots is the same things as a half note + a quarter note + an eighth note.
4: Remember: The dot takes half the value of the note.
Remember: The dot takes half the value of the note.In the case of the dotted quaver (eighth note) this means the dot takes a quarter of a beat. Adding this to the original value of the note (half a beat) we get three quarters of a beat
5: A dot, placed after a note or rest on the stave, indicates that the note length or rest length is increased by half the original length of the note or rest. In arithmetical terms, this means that the note or rest is 150% of its normal value, or 1.5 times.
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