1. Title How to separate homogeneous mixture H Materia watet 0 m stove or any avilable used for cooking pot or in can Take precautionary steps in handling gas stove, III. Procedure 1. Prepare the materials needed 2. Combine water and satin por 3 Stir properly until the bits of salt see on 4. Put the pot into fire 5. Observe what happen IV. Guide Questions 1 What happens in the water in the pot" the water will evaporate Leaving the salt behind 2. What are the components of this solution? 3. What is left in the pot? You can boll or evaparate the water and the salt will he left behind as a solid. 4 What process is used 10 separate an solution? will be left behind acthe water evaporates. the salt
Pa sagot po need ng test ko:(​