True or False
__________1. Heat is a type of energy related to kinetic energy or movement of atoms.
________2. Earth was hot when it formed.
________3. It is believed that negligible amount of energy was released when planetesimals ran into each other or due to accretion.
________4-5. Radioactive decay is the process in which a stable atomic nucleus loses energy in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves and transforms towards an unstable nucleus.
________6. Uranium is a special kind of element because when it decays, heat is produced. It is this heat that keeps the earth from cooling off completely.
________7. Radioactive decay is still a source of heat.
________8. Through a gravitational sorting process called accretion, the denser and heavier parts were drawn to the center and the less dense areas were displaced outwards.
________9. Magmatism is the emplacement of magma within and at the surface of the outer layers of a terrestrial planet.
________10. Magma forms when the temperature is low enough to melt them.
________11. Temperature decreases the more distant you go below the earth’s surface.
________12. Pressure decreases as you go deeper below Earth's surface.
________13. Melting triggered by a reduction in pressure is called decompression melting.
________14. If a rock is already close to its melting point, the effect of removing water can be enough to trigger partial melting. This type of melting is called flux-induced melting.​