Sagot :
The clean, organized workplace that results from 5S is a more pleasant workplace that leads to improved employee attitudes. The focus on cleanliness, organization, labor-saving efficiency, having the right tools, and using quality standards leads to an increased pride in workmanship.
1) Sort
Sort is the first step in any 5S process. The term sort is originally derived from the Japanese word Seiri. Each step in the 5S process has an associated goal that can be specifically outlined to help guide efforts. For the step of Sort, the goal is to remove unnecessary items from the room, station, or space being organized. Furthermore, the sorting phase also aims to provide a clean slate on which to build and carry out the other four steps.
Beginning the process of Sort starts out simply, as nearly everything should be removed from the target area. Even though taking items from one space and placing them into a big pile in another space seems like it may be making a mess, this is not true. Instead, this is the opportunity to really make decisions about what needs to stay and what needs to go so actions can be immediately taken for items that are no longer used or needed.
2) Set in Order
The second step of 5S is "Set in Order" which is derived from the Japanese term Seiton. This phase focuses on placing the items deemed essential in the Sort phase back into the workstation or area in a specific, well-organized manner. More importantly, Set in Order is truly about finding the most efficient and sensible homes for the tools and items within that area.
Every time employees have to search around for a tool to complete their jobs, time is wasted and by extension, the business loses money. Setting items in order in an intentional and planned way is essential to minimizing these types of losses.
3) Shine
Stemming from the Japanese term Seiso is "Shine," which means to sweep or sanitize. This is the third stage of a 5S project. First and foremost, the Shine phase is basically a complete and unapologetic cleaning of the entire workstation or space. In this phase, employees should be cleaning, dusting, polishing, sweeping, and vacuuming along with anything else needed to attain perfect order.
4) Standardize
This stage directly connects with some of the closing tips from the "Shine" section, and that's because it builds on the idea of auditing and checking in on 5S efforts regularly. Standardization is essentially "the bridge" between Shine and the final step of 5S, Sustain. By standardizing the approach to 5S, it can ensure organizational efforts are sustained in the long run. Failing to standardize procedures can lead to work becoming sloppy over time and a loss of efficiency.
Begin to standardize 5S operations by making the process more than a word-of-mouth agreement. This is the time to implement a clear, universally understood system so that employees are certain about what they are expected to do. One excellent way to do this is to design and print out 5S audit sheets that can be used by whoever is checking an area on a given day. A checklist that asks specific questions about the work area can help ensure that processes are carried out as intended.
5) Sustain
What Happens When Audits Don't Return the Desired Results?
One of the biggest concerns with standardization is that sometimes audits may come back consistently lackluster from a 5S'd area. This is a problem, but a common one that can be addressed with relative ease. In general, many times failure at this stage is due to failing to recognize one or more factors contributing to disorganization
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