LEANCLIDEGO LEANCLIDEGO Art Answered Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the BEST answer. Write the letter and word/s on your answer sheet.1. What are the materials in making burnay?A. fine gravel, sand, and ashes B. fine gravel and powder soapC. soil and waxD. wax and clay2. Some design such as those found in antique jewelries are completely done by _____________ because these cannot be done by machines.A. elbowB. feetC. kneeD. hand3. Ling-ling-o, which is worn around the neck, serves assymbols for Ifugao tribes.A. fertilityB. fruitC. rainD. rice granary4. What kind of ink is used by Wang- Od in her traditional tattoo?A. Charcoal and waterB. Paints and waterC. Used oil.D. water and soap5. It is considered as clothing and decoration because it covers the chest and arms.A. amuletsB. jewelriesC. potteryD. tattoo6. What element of arts is usually used in traditional tattoo of Kalinga?A. colorB. lineC. texture D. value7. What principle/s of design is/are prominent in burnay of Ilocos?A. balance and proportion B. contrast C. emphasisD. pattern and repetition8. What is the special characteristic of the amulets of Ifugaos in terms of its principles?A. asymmetrical balanceB. radially balanceC. radially symmetricalD. symmetrically balance9. What element of arts is best applied in the jewelries of Luzon?A. formB. lineC. textureD. value10.How would you best promote to the country the different arts and crafts ofLuzon?A. By creating as many as you canB. By giving tourist a chance to use those craftC. By selling those craftD. By showing respect in using those craft