Activity 1. Directions: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided for.
__c__ 1. The granary deity of the Ifugaos a. Angono, Rizal
____ 2. A material which the Ifugao used b. Barong Tagalog
for basket weaving
____ 3. Ivatan headdress c. bul-ul
____ 4. The Banaue Rice Terraces are work d. salakot
of this tribe
____ 5. Traditional attire of the Filipinos are e. Ibanags
originally weaved by Southern Tagalogs
____ 6. Center of woodcarving in the Philippines f. Gaddang
____ 7. Traditional straw hats of farmers from g. Ifugaos
Bontoc region
____ 8. Art Capital of the Philippines h. Paete, Laguna
____ 9. Excellent blacksmith i. kokolongkoy vine
____ 10. Cultural community is using clothes that j. vakul
is plentiful of beads and precious stones` k. Ivatans