1.​The ability of a material to be inflexible and resist pressure that may cause disfiguration.

2.The ability of a material to be drawn into wire or plastically deformed without fracture

3.A property of matter which the materials ability to allow heat and electricity to flow through.

4.What is the best medicine to cure your body due to headache and high fever?


Sagot :


1.The ability of a material to resist bending or stretching. Stiffness is sometimes called rigidity. The physical deformation that occurs in an object when it is under stress.

2.Ductility is the ability of a material to be drawn or plastically deformed without fracture. It is therefore an indication of how 'soft' or malleable the material is.

3.All properties of matter are either extensive or intensive and either physical or chemical. Extensive properties, such as mass and volume, depend on the amount of matter that is being measured. Intensive properties, such as density and color, do not depend on the amount of matter.

4.Acetaminophen. Drugs with this ingredient affect the areas of your brain that control body temperature and pain. These medications can fight fevers and chills, ease headaches, and soothe sore throats and body aches.