all reamaining areas.these can be used for spreading at any time of the year when land an weather conditions are suitable​

Sagot :


Climate is defined as an area's long-term weather patterns. The simplest way to

describe climate is to look at average temperature and precipitation over time.

Other useful elements for describing climate include the type and the timing of

precipitation, amount of sunshine, average wind speeds and directions, number of

days above freezing, weather extremes, and local geography.

The climate of any particular place is influenced by a host of interacting factors.

These include latitude, elevation, nearby water, ocean currents, topography,

vegetation, and prevailing winds. The global climate system and any changes that

occur within it also influence local climate. Each climate control factor below might

control climate at any given location.

Latitude -Surface temperatures Elevation-Climate zones match Nearby water-Sea surface

vary with latitude roughly with elevation ranges. temperatures affect land


Ocean currents-Water temperatures Topography-Local variations in Vegetation-Type of transfer of

indicate transfer heat by currents elevation cause local variations cover and seasonal changes

in climate affect climate

Prevailing winds-Deliver air masses with specific properties