6. When you mean that your obligation to do something, comes from an external source, You may say….
a. I must give up smoking.
b. I have to give up smoking. I’m obliged, because my doctor says so.
c. I will give up smoking.
d. Should give up smoking for my health concerns.
7. If you want to lose weight,
a. You should eat less.
b. You should avoid fatty foods
c. You have to  diet and exercise
d. You should eat healthy foods, live an active life and avoid drinking beer daily.
8. Since tomorrow is holiday and classes are suspended,
a. The children don’t have to get up early.
b. The children have to rest.
c. The children can play. They should have fun.
d. The children should make the most out of the day by being productive while having fun at the same time.
9. If you are in a hospital and someone would ask, “ May I smoke here?” what would you answer?
a. No, you cannot.
b. I’m sorry but you may not.
c. No,  you can not, it is prohibited.
d. No, you cannot. Hospital rules and policies prohibits smoking as evident by signs and posters pasted in every corner.
10. If you want to pass your English subject;
a. You must attend every lesson.
b. You should listen to class discussions.
c.  You need to submit outputs and take exams.
d. You have to comply and complete the subjects requirements aside from having a complete class attendance.