1.Which process is essential in purifying water?
B. condensation
C evaporation

2. Which process is useful in separating blood into its components
b. filtiration
c. Homogenization
d. precipitation

3.Kidneys clean our blood trought which process’
a. Centrifugation

4.persons whose kidneys are not functioning well need to have and have their blood cleaned of exess minerals and wastes cells
a. Dialysis
b. Filtration
c. Homogenization
d. Kidneys transplant

5.fresh,unprocessed cows milk is a because
a. Solution milk fat is completely dissolved in water
b. Mix of immisicle liquid fatty cream seperates on top of the milk
c. Suspensions mlik fat eventually settles at the bottom of the container
d. Colloid its stays homogeneous and consistent even after days in the refrigerator

6.Can homogenized milk still be made into non fat milk if yes how if no why?
a. Yes by filtration
b. Yes by centrifugaration using cream separator machine
c. Yes by leaving it undisturbed fatty cream will float on the top
d. No its not a homogeneous solution