1.Animal biotechnology involves
A. production of valuable products in animals using rDNA technology
B.rapid multiplication of animals of desired genotypes
C.alteration of genes to make it more desirable
D.all of these

2.the first vaccind developed from animal cell culture was .
A.Hepatitis b vaccine
B.influenza vaccine
C.small pox vaccine
D.polio vaccine

3.interferons are
A.anti-bacterial protein
B.anti-viral proteins
C.bacteriostatic proteins
D.all of these

4.plant biotechnology involves
A.production of valuable products in plants
B.rapid clonal multiplication of desired genotypes
C.production of virus free plants
D.all of these

5.which of the following statements is true regarding the function of antibodies?
A. they bind of foreign antigens, which attract macrophage.
B. They kill pathogens
C.they bind up to antibiotics so the antibodies know which pathogen to kill
D.all of this ​