personal insights of Mark 3:22-30

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We have been reading of mixed reactions to Jesus’ activities in Capernaum – huge crowds gathering round him on the seashore, yet his family believe he is going mad and want to stop him. Here the official religious authorities, the scribes from Jerusalem, attribute his actions to evil sources, an attitude that would eventually lead to his death. He points to the inconsistency of their position, pursuing two conflicting policies simultaneously. He accuses them of an unforgiveable sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This passage is a key to understanding the Gospel story as a whole. In Mark, the scribes from Jerusalem are Jesus’ severest critics. Here they do not deny that Jesus performs successful exorcisms. However, they claim that, as he is himself possessed, it is by demonic power that he casts out other demons. Jesus’ response, pointing to what happens in a divided kingdom or a divided house, is logical and persuasive. Then he compares himself to an intruder wanting to plunder a strong man’s property (the strong man is Satan). It is a curious but effective way to speak about exorcism. Passages such as this remind us that the world-view shared by Jesus and his critics was very different from ours in the 21st century. We may need to ask, even more insistently than usual, for grace to understand how the story is relevant for us today. Always remember that Mark (and the other evangelists) is trying to explain who Jesus is and what it means to call him Saviour. That is the heart of the gospel. Like his family, the authorities are alarmed at the radical nature of what Jesus is doing and the change of mind and heart that he requires. They believe he is under the influence of Satan. The wisdom of Jesus, his passion for the truth and his courage radiate from the scene. Jesus is indeed the stronger one. He takes on the forces of evil, and the powers of darkness cannot master him. But the scribes resist the power of the Spirit and spread malicious stories about him. Jesus is scathing of those who cannot recognise goodness and who see only evil. If we wish to listen for the voice of God, we need to take care not to heed any voice that speaks only negatively or in condemnation. The image of the house with its strong occupant is a picture of integrity and wholeness. We should take some time to tidy the house that is our hearts, to allow it to be a home for the Spirit of Jesus.