writing a program is easier by using an integrated development environment such as dev c++. setting aside programming list atleast 5 reason why we usually use tools to keep our work done.​

Sagot :


I chose superspeed cuz i can be so fast i can be invisible i can time travel also peek into a girls bathroom If they caught me simply ran back in time And do it again withought getting caught B)

Edit: also i can slow down time and punch someone while slowing the time that gives me impact like Super strength so choose super speed also i can Have speed healing and speed thinking so epic.

2nd edit:

Also just learn psychology and learn how to read minds,Imagine being so fast that u could throw lightning bolts Now super speed just stole The power of the thunder B) am so cool Btw Imagine being faster than the speed of light and sound u could be faster than a bullet and a fly and u could see particles and some miliseconds

3rd edit:

Also u could have Fire power just ran back and forth and create a friction which will activate Fire and u could be fast enough to create clones and phase through walls so it is So op u could have fire in ur hands to just do the kids thingy where what they do to their hands and create a friction btw if ur still reading this that meand u like my comment B)

Now do u believe that super speed is just like a time Power also u could

Be so fast that u could just time skip slowing down time is just like ZA WARUDO but not time stop Imagine being so fast that ur body wont be able to handle it so u need a super duper suit like flash or somethin so that u wont dissappear and be erased to existance it also helps you Not reveal ur identity