1. Analyze the questions about mental, emotional, and social health concerns. Write the
letter of your answer on the line.

1.Which of the following is a characteristic of a healthy child?

a. mentally sound

C. socially prejudiced

b. physically weak

d. emotionally troubled

2. Which of the following does not describe an emotionally stable child?

a. confused about oneself

C.relates well with others

b. open to new experiences

d. has a positive outlook in life

3. Which of the following is NOT a sign of healthy a relationship?

c .lack of collaboration


b. safety

d. honest communication

4.Who among the children is experiencing an unhealthy relationship?

a. Glenn's aunt sends him to school.

b. Katrina's father scolds her in public.

c.Ninya dresses freely unlike her friends.

d. Paulo says "No" to smoking.

5.What is the most important element of a healthy relationship?

a. love
b. equality
d. honesty