3. Which group of moters should be foto O cond Which group of moteno istore Temat? which group of motoros undergo decor Conc George (4-10) Classity the following materials whether they tot o sink write them in the column plastic cup b. needle Materials that float Materials that cine C. Enchele the matenot that does not belong to the group based on their charact Hoat, sink, obrob, do not absorb water and undergo decay). 11. bonono, bread, poper, leaves 12. stone, plastic Cup, noil, nice groins 13. scissor, styrofoam, rubber boll , plastic fork 14. clothes, sponge, metal plote, tissue paper 15. t shirt, glass, plastic container, fin con D. In a short bond paper , paste examples(cut-outs/pictures) of the following mo 1. Materials that foot-3 pictures 2. Moterois that sink 3 pictures 3. Moterials that obsorb woter 3 pic)(≧▽≦)(θ‿θ)(。•̀ᴗ-)✧(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧