Sagot :
[ANALYSIS] The myth of the rational Filipino voter
We have to embrace the fact that Filipinos are never, nor will be, fully informed when choosing leaders in elections
For the first time since 1938 – or in more than 80 years – the opposition failed to win seats in the country’s midterm elections.
The ramifications can be far-reaching. A predominantly pro-administration Senate could pave the way for President Duterte’s hitherto unrealized policies. For instance, there’s already talk of reviving the death penalty bill, even if it’s unnecessary, anti-poor, and error-prone.
Worse, you might say the 2019 elections mark an important milestone in the continuing backsliding of Philippine democracy.
How did we get here? Why are Filipinos prone to vote for leaders who could do them more harm than good? What can we do to improve election results – and the quality of lawmaking – in years to come?
We cannot move on without stepping back, taking a deep breath, and soberly assessing what just happened.
In this article I want to begin our collective soul-searching by disabusing ourselves of one particular notion: the idea of the rational Filipino voter.