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What is Ideal is Good
A model of anything flawless or without equal is referred to as an ideal. Ideal, as an adjective, refers to the highest standard of excellence or something that only exists in the mind.
When we talk about what's ideal, we're usually referring to a best-case scenario (it would be ideal if you were well-rested before your exam); what we're aiming for (it would be ideal for all children to have an education); or some notion of perfection (the ideal date would be dinner with your favorite movie star). If you have grand ideas and values, you have strong judgement about what is good and right, and perhaps even how to change the world.
What is Good is Ideal
These values come from the goodness surrounding them. They are the catalyst for the transformation you wish to see in yourself and the world. Ideals that are clearly defined might assist you in achieving your goals in life.
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