MINILUVGO MINILUVGO English Answered ☆彡Choose which among the two words can complete the sentences correctly. 1.She looks pretty sick. I think she ___ go to a doctor •can •should 2. You've been driving all day. You ___ be exhausted! •must •should 3. You ___ smoke so much. It's bad for your health. •can't •shouldn't 4. Hey! ,I'm lost ___ you help me? • Should• Can5. You have such a beautiful voice. You ___ sing for us! •should •can 6. I know he speaks five languages, but ___ he speak Arabic? •can •should7. That looks very expensive. It ___ have cost a fortune! •must •should 8. I ___ believe that you failed your test! •can't •shouldn't 9. I'm on my way. I ___ be there in about 10 minutes. •can •should 10. I ___ afford that. •shouldn't •can'tneeded ASAP~~