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Answer:Carol J. Fuhler, Pamela J. Farris, and Lynda Hatch
Folktales of different cultures have an important place in the social studies classroom. By quickening curiosity about other cultures, folktales can help students to appreciate the reality of human diversity.1 At the same time, the common elements in folktales may serve to increase children's empathy with people of other cultures.
From time immemorial, storytellers have passed down tales to be shared by the members of a community-some purely for entertainment and others used to transmit a society's customs, attitudes, values, and even philosophies of life, to the next generation.2 Folktales "allow students to experience one of the ways a society develops a sense of moral behavior in its children."3 Children today can learn from this rich literary heritage, which provides both a window into other cultures, and a mirror that allows viewers to reflect more clearly on aspects of their own culture.
This article looks at folktales from three countries or regions of the world-China, Africa, and Russia-and suggests ways to use them in the classroom. However, when using folktales in the social studies, it is important to make clear that they represent the traditional culture of a region or nation, and do not bear a one-to-one relationship with present-day societies. Before introducing their students to folktales, teachers may wish to consult a resource such as Bernson's recent Social Education article, "Asia in the Classroom: How to Choose and Use Children's Literature," for a detailed discussion of this issue.4
Traditional Chinese Folktales