Selecr the endings from column B and match them to the beginnings in column A

column A
1. I've got another meeting a 11am.________
2. It's -15°C outside.______
3. Talk to Miriam in Human Resources.______
4. He works every weekend,you know._______
5. Mark starting a new school on monday.______
6. I am thinking again about what Alison said._______
7. The roads were very bad this evening._______
8. I can't see your train on the board.______
9. It was pretty vicious dog._____
10. There were no delays.______

column B
a.I may be late.

b.You must be frozen.

c.She should be able to help.

d.That can't be healthy.

e.It can be very difficult at first.

f.She may be right.

g.They could have been stuck in the snow.

h.It may have been cancelled.

i.He must have been terrified.

j.They should have been landed by now.