B. Sequencing. Below are the statements containing how respiratory and circulatory system work.
Use numbers 1-10, write 1 for the first step and followed by the next number 1 Rt. each)
1. From each bronchus, oxygen travel into the lungs.
2. And the air moves downward through the pharynx.
3. As we breathe in air, the oxygen molecules will enter to the nostrils.
4. To finally reach the bronchi
5. To the trachea
6. Oxygen travels into the bronchioles and reaches the alveoli which is surrounded with
7. The oxygen molecules in the alveoli will diffuse into the capillary.
8. As the blood absorbs oxygen, it will become oxygenated.
9. The carbon molecules will be released through exhalation.
10. The oxygen molecules will be absorbed by the deoxygenated blood.

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