How do various philosophical perspectives define human nature?

Which perspective conforms to your personal ideas on the nature of man?

Out Role and relationship with environment ​

Sagot :


With a limited knowledge of varying philosophical perspectives it is difficult to contrast the definitions of human nature they present. It is not however inaccurate to say that most of not all philosophical schools proport to a degree the “transcendent" or “elevated” status humans and their relationship to the hierarchy of the natural world.

In my view this is a forgivable error, we see what we can do and accomplish and infer from it a singular characteristic of human nature as “elevated” and “separate” from nature itself when in reality we are not more than rarefied beasts.

Human nature is devoid of a special place in the universe , it is free of the singular “I" , and its edifice borders on delusion. That is the state of human nature. That will not always be the state of human nature.

We have the appearance of possessing free will , even if this may be a deterministic universe. Human nature is subject to the choices we make in shaping humanity. If we can live with the possible illusion of free will we can live with the white lie we decide upon and shape as our nature.

Human nature is what we care to make it. The delusion we have of privileged status in the cosmic order has served us well, there is no limit to the grand delusions we can shape and how well they can serve us.
