Direction: TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is incorrect.
1 Civil society organizations are government members of the society promote the interest of the public. that

2. The members of an organization share a sense of collective identity.

3. Mass protest or known as rally is the only way for people to voice out their concerns

4. Citizens can directly or indirectly affect the government

5. NGOs are for profit making organizations which seek to influence the policy of the governments.

6 Social movements influence lawmaking

7. Civil society is compulsory, rule abiding, politically active sector of society, autonomous from the state.

8. Social movements tend to emerge initially as an international source of power and moral authority.

9. The Philippine constitution promotes the role and rights of non governmental, community based, or sectoral organizations that promote the welfare of the nation.

10. Civil society includes the household, profit making enterprises, political parties and groups striving to gain control of the state through armed rebellion.​