1. How will you identify individual's cardiovascular fitness?
A. Good eating habits
C. Resting Heart Rate
B. Energy enthusiasm
D. Aerobic exercise
2. What exercise that requires the use of oxygen to produce energy?
A Anaerobic
C. Camping
B. Yoga
D. Aerobic
3. In addition to nutrition, Which one is an important means of maintaining your
A. Aerobic exercise
C. Exercise
B. Anaerobic
D. Mountain climbing
4. What type of exercise that does not require the use of oxygen to metabolize energy?
A. Anaerobic
C. Aerobic
B. Aerobic exercise
D. Jumping
5. Regular exercise will enable you to perform daily tasks with an increased
amount of
A. Good eating habits
C. Aerobic exercise
B. Resting heart rate
D. Energy and enthusiasm
6. How many minutes must the target heart rate be maintained in order for
aerobic exercise to be beneficial?
A. Twelve
C. Twenty
B. Fifteen
D. Ten​