MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the given procedures carefully and select the best answer from the choices below.
A. Protect Tools From the Elements
B. Cleaning re-usable containers:

C. Cleaning areas for handling and storing
fresh produce:
D. Cleaning hygienic facilities:

11. Whenever possible, place them in the sun for rapid drying.
12. Unplug any electrical equipment and if possible, cover with plastic electrical motors, electrical boxes,
connections, light fixtures, etc. Do not use packaging materials for this task.
13. Remove as much as possible plant debris, soil, and residues of any kind, use a brush or appropriate tool
whenever necessary.
14. All electrical and petrol gardening equipment will need to be covered with a blanket or sheet if kept in
the shed.
15. Use proper detergents, clean toilets, sinks, and any other fixtures.