Taken from lesson on Module 7 AND 8
Direction: For each item, write the letter of the best answer on the space provided.
1. Which of the following processes explain the making of nitrogen usable to plants?
a. ammonification b. assimilation c. nitrification d. fixation
2. It is the process that changes liquid water to water vapor.
a. condensation b. precipitation c. transpiration d. evaporation
3. The process where water soaks into the ground.
a. evaporation b. infiltration C. precipitation d. condensation
4. Nitrogen is an essential formation of the following
q. amino acids b. nitrogen bases c. protein d. all of the above
5. What do you call this process when bacteria known as denitrifying bacteria are, under conditions where
oxygen is absent, able to convert nitrite to nitrogen gas (N2), which is ultimately released into the atmosphere
Water cycle B. Decomposing C. Nitrogen fixing bacteria D. Denitrification
6. Agricultural process which conserve soll nutrients include
a. crop rotation b. terracing C. Over-cropping d. all of the above
7. An example of good practice to protect the environment is
a. Kaingin b. overhauling c. Reforestation d. Deforestation
8. The following materials are recycled except
a. Plastic b. Can c. Paper D. Fruit Peelings
9. Slash and burn method of farming is also known as
a. Kaingin system b. logging c. tree cutting d. none of the above
10. Which of the following is an example of non-biodegradable materials?
a. banana peeling, leaves, seeds
C. rice, bread, flour
b. plastic wrapper, rubber, tin can,
d. none of the above