an: LUMANG PAGSUSULIT QUIZ 2. Petsa: GLISH 2. Read and answer the questions. The barber was on the bed, when an ugly insect crawled. Down crept the bug, and went on his The Bug on the Barber's Bed back. Out came the bug and scared the barber up. Now, the little baby bug 1. Where was the barbera slept happily on his bed. a. on the bed b. in the garden c. in the yard 2. What crept on the barber's back? a. a bug b. a dog 3. Where do you think did the barber go? a. on the bed b. in the mall 4. What did the bug do on the bed? a. slept happily b. Followed 5. How did the barber feel when the bug crawled on his back? He felt c. Happy a. Scared c. a cat c. outside C. ran b. Sad