CALVINJOBERT2010GO CALVINJOBERT2010GO English Answered PakiSagutan Pls Pang Ilang Question Ko Na to kailangan ko tlg today!Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word/s found inside the box that will complete each statement below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.comparison point-by-point method structure contrast advantages disadvantages Venn subjects similarities differences graphic organizer1. The aspect which determine the similarities between or among persons, places, things, animals, or ideas is refer to as __________________. 2. The aspect which determine the differences between or among persons, places, things, animals, or ideas is refer to as __________________. 3. In writing or composing a compare-and-contrast paragraph, you have to choose the ______________ you want to describe. 4. Aside from similarities and differences between two ideas, a compare-and-contrast text also show the _____________and _______________ of each idea. 5. The diagram which visually represent the differences and similarities of two subjects being compared is called _________________ diagram. 6. The method of writing compare-and-contrast paragraph which usually alternates back and forth between two subjects is called _______________. 7. The method of writing compare-and-contrast paragraph where all arguments related to each of the two subjects being compared is presented is called __________________. 8. A compare-and-contrast text type is one in which the _______________and ___________________ of two subjects are presented