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Community as a Social Organization Community is a dynamic social grouping whose members settles in a specific physical space, submit to a common political institution, engage in similar economic activities and share common cultural and historical heritage orientation. Its definition described the community as an interacting population of various individuals in aparticular area. A community is a group of people and since they share common physical space they are bound to establish patterns of interactions which lead to the formation of a cultural, political and economic structure that influenced the everyday life of the people. The element of time contributes largely to the formation of commonalities in both physical and social traits. There are other communities in which the absence of common characteristics is very evident and they are often located in urban areas. Economic opportunities in urban communities encouraged migration of people from different provinces. These people bring with them different normative traits that further complicates the already diverse cultural environment. This kind of situation makes it difficult for the community to progress into one cohesive social organization. As the community develops, problems change characteristics and therefore must be confronted with different antidotes. The existence of social problems is shown through the inability of the people to live a life they deserved in a normal social environment. Social problems, though may be said to be a normal occurrence even in developed societies, must be addressed to prevent them from hampering the productivity of the people. The common denominator to the attainment of sustainable development is the ability of the people to match the demands of the economy. There can be a variety of ways to combat social dysfunctions. However, solutions must be tailor-fitted to the problems at hand for it to be effective. This means that experts who will attempt to find solution to particular social perplexities must be able to exhibit skills in sizing up the nature of the problems from which solutions must be figured out. Finding the Right Ideas If there can’t be perfect individual more so with a community. It should be noted that development is not an end in itself but a process within a segmentalized social structure that requires constant scrutiny in the hope of abating impacts of any dysfunctional elements to attain sustainability. Development does not eradicate social problems. Rather development provides the elements that cause mutations of the problems. As the community develops, problems change characteristics and therefore must be confronted with different antidotes.​