14. Why is it that despite of the changes brought by modern technology, elements and principles of art are still applied? a. These would make the work of an artist easier and faster. b. These elements and principles of arts are only applied in modern technologies, c. Using these elements and principles of art, an artist could create an artwork even without the skills of how to use it. d. Even with the use of modern technologies, these elements and principles of art are still the visual tools that an artist is going to use in creating an artwork. 15. If you are a traditional painter, what is the best thing for you to do in order to learn digital painting? a. Do not mind using modern technology. b. Be contented being a traditional painter. C. Have enough time to practice the skills of handling new gadgets and software in creating digital painting. d. Buy new gadgets such as computers and android cellphones even if you don't have enough budget for it. II. Identify the parts of the MS Paint interface that you need to apply for each situation. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answer on a separate sheet. 16. What icon will you use if you wanted to insert your name in your drawing? a. Size b. Ruler c. Ribbon d. Text Tool 17. If you wanted to change your brush into smaller or bigger, what icon will you use? a. Size b. Ruler c. Ribbon d. Text Tool 18. The following are the icons that you can see in the Title Bar EXCEPT a. Size b. Move c. Restore d. Minimize 19. If you wanted to paint a nature with different types of thickness and texture, what icon will you use? a. Brush b. Eraser c. Inkscape d. Software 20. Erase is one of the MS Paint icons which is used to a. Draw different colours b. Delete unwanted drawings C. Creates different shapes and lines d. Add some space, shape and pictures to the paint 21. Which of the following is a software that will help Dominic to paint his classwork in arts? a. Status Bar b. Digital Art c. Microsoft Paint d. Quick Access Bar 22. In Microsoft Paint software what is the function of Quick Access Bar? a. To insert text b. To adjust margin c. To change colours d. To save and export files 23. Erase is one of the MS Paint icons which is used to a. Draw different colours b. Delete unwanted drawings c. Creates different shapes and lines d. Adjust different margins and page lay out 24. How can Ella use Select Tool in MS Paint in her digital painting? a. It will help her select an object b. It will help her adjust the sizes of her painting