Directions: Write the letter of the correct


1. If W = purple flower and w = white, and D = tall

plants and d = short plants, a wwDd plant would


a. purple & tall c. white & tall

b. purple & short d. white & short

2. What is the maximum number of allele that

monohybrid cross can consider?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

3. If a true breeding tall pea plant is crossed with

a true breeding short pea plant, what will be the

phenotype of the F1 generation?

a. all short c. all tall

b. 3:1 short: tall d. 1:3 short: tall

4. What is expected phenotypic ratio obtained by crossing

the F1 generation in dihybrid cross would be?

a. 3:1

b. 1:2:1

c. 9:3:3:1

d. 1:2:1: 2:4:2: 1:2:1

5. Considering a dihybrid cross, what is the probability of

the progeny being heterozygous at both the alleles?

a. 1/16

b. 4/16

c. 7/16

d. 9/16​