What I Have Learned?
Activity 4: Understanding Check
Directions: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.
1. The dragon dance team the movements of the river spirit in a flowing, rise and fall manner.
a. Mimics
b. Pantomime c. Sings d. Tableau
2. The Chinese people believe that performing the lion and dragon dances
a. Drives bad luck and evil spirit away c. Makes the people more healthy
b. Makes the country more wealthy
d. Tells the people to reconcile
3. Men and children usually wear every Chinese New Year or Spring Festival,
a. Balinese costumes b. Kimono c. Kung fu suits d. Saya and Tagalog
4. Which of the following props cannot be seen in the Chinese Spring Festival?
a. Chines fans
c. Dragon puppets
b. Chinese lanterns
d. Wayang Kulit puppets
5. It is the Japanese drum festival.
a. Chinese and New Year Festival
c. Dragon Festival
b. Balinese Dance Festival
d. Koto Taiko Drum Festival

Sagot :


1. B

2. A

LION DANCE. Lions play an important role in Chinese mythology, and represent joy and happiness. Lion dances are performed accompanied by the music of beating of drums, cymbals, and gongs instruments synchronise to the lion dance movements and actions. People perform lion dance to bring luck and to get rid of the devil.

3. C

4. D

Wayang kulit is a traditional form of puppet-shadow play originally found in the cultures of Java, Bali, and Lombok in Indonesia. In a wayang kulit performance, the puppet figures are rear-projected on a taut linen screen with a coconut-oil (or electric) light. The dalang (shadow artist) manipulates carved leather figures between the lamp and the screen to bring the shadows to life. The narratives of wayang kulit often have to do with the major theme of good vs. evil.

5. D

Taiko (太鼓) are a broad range of Japanese percussion drums . In Japanese, the term refers to any kind of drum, but outside Japan, it is used specifically to refer to any of the various Japanese drums called wadaiko (和太鼓, "Japanese drums") and to the form of ensemble taiko drumming more specifically called kumi-daiko (組太鼓, "set of drums"). The process of constructing taiko varies between manufacturers, and the preparation of both the drum body and skin can take several years depending on the method.


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