10 examples of components of biodiversity and its benefits

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You are what you eat and food is one of the many great things that biodiversity provides. Bees pollinate crops, organic fertilization increases yield, and heirloom varieties make our plants stronger and healthier. One Ontario farmer can feed 120 people each year, all thanks

You are what you eat and food is one of the many great things that biodiversity provides. Bees pollinate crops, organic fertilization increases yield, and heirloom varieties make our plants stronger and healthier. One Ontario farmer can feed 120 people each year, all thanksexample

You are what you eat and food is one of the many great things that biodiversity provides. Bees pollinate crops, organic fertilization increases yield, and heirloom varieties make our plants stronger and healthier. One Ontario farmer can feed 120 people each year, all thanksexampleBiodiversity is important to humans for many reasons. ... Ecological life support— biodiversity provides functioning ecosystems that supply oxygen, clean air and water, pollination of plants, pest control, wastewater treatment and many ecosystem services.